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What to Consider when Hiring an Architectural Photographer

Con Macarlino • Sep 27, 2019
There’s far more to architectural photography than shooting a smart building. It involves a trained eye, impressive technical skills and photographic finesse gained through years of experience in the sector.
Top photographers in the field take great pride in capturing the essence of the buildings they are hired to shoot – bringing to life the vision of the architect, the creativity of the designer and the technical expertise of the builder.
Yet choosing the right architectural photographer for your project is critical. What should you consider for the perfect fit?
  • Check areas of expertise
Be sure the photographer has the right kind of expertise. A good all-round architectural photographer is happy covering residential and commercial properties of any size or type.
  • Understanding the brief
Discuss the specifics of your project to get a feel for the photographic firm. Does the photographer understand your specific requirements concerning the type of images needed, the environment of the shoot and the background history of the project? Be clear about the kind of images you want and communicate this to the photographer. 
  • Agree a price
Be sure that your chosen photographer fits well within your project budget. Don’t be afraid to discuss the specifics, ensuring you get the expected amount of photographs at the right price.
Do your homework
Study the website and portfolio of your selected photographic firm. Look for vibrant images which inspire you, conveying the spirit, beauty and complexity of the properties displayed. Tell the photographer the style of images you prefer and discuss whether you can achieve the same look for your project.
  • Determine the audience
Experienced architectural photographers know that the audience helps determine the style of images required. Are you seeking sleek, high-end shots for a corporate audience? Or more comfortable, enticing images appealing to home buyers? Talking about specifics will ensure your photographer hits the right level.
  • Seek out creativity
Having strong technical skills is essential for any architectural photographer. But does yours have the creativity ‘X factor’? The best architectural photography is art as well as science. It relies on the photographer having a keen eye for detail, a flair for highlighting points of difference and the ability to choose the most interesting perspective and lighting. A flexible, nuanced approach can secure the job.
  • Pinpoint post-production
Hard work takes place on site, as your photographer shoots a winning portfolio of interiors and exteriors. Yet the real magic happens post-production, as they compensate for any natural deficiencies by tweaking lighting, exposure, colours, perspective and highlights. Ask if you can see ‘before’ and ‘after’ examples as a guide to the firm’s skill in this area.
  • Build a relationship
Finally, choose a photographic firm with a welcoming feel and a professional approach. Think beyond this job to future projects. Find the right firm now and you can build a successful relationship to carry you forward, ensuring you don’t have to shop around for photographers in the future. 
Top architectural photographers value a strong work ethic, mutual respect and integrity in addition to quality content. So, check out testimonials on their website and social media pages to assess their professional standing.
If you're searching for an architectural photographer for your newest project, talk to us about how we can make your building shine
Title: 5 Compelling Reasons to Freshen Up Your Headshot with an Experienced Photographer at Your Wor
By Con Macarlino 07 Apr, 2024
5 Compelling Reasons to Freshen Up Your Headshot with an Experienced Photographer at Your Workplace. In today's digital age, your professional image is more important than ever. Whether you're updating your LinkedIn profile, networking on social media, or contributing to your company's website, your headshot is often the first impression you make. But why settle for a lackluster or outdated photo when you can showcase your best self with a professionally crafted headshot? Here are five compelling reasons why you should consider freshening up your headshot with an experienced photographer right at your place of work. 1. Make a Memorable First Impression: Your headshot is your digital handshake. It's the first thing people see when they visit your online profile or website. A polished and professional headshot instantly communicates confidence, credibility, and approachability. By investing in a high-quality headshot taken by an experienced photographer, you can ensure that you make a lasting impression o
07 Apr, 2023
Refreshing Your Head Shot - It's important 
What having a great profile picture means for you:
By Con Macarlino 04 Jun, 2020
Your profile picture can be one of the most important elements of your LinkedIn presence. Research shows that just having a picture makes your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed by others. This means that this little, square image is your first chance to make a good impression on connections and is a key element of your personal brand. Typically, we’d recommend having a professional photographer take your headshot. A professional will make sure the lighting is flattering and that you are putting your best foot (or rather face) forward. On average, this will cost you between $200-$400. However, if you don’t have the budget, don’t fret. Here are 5 tips to help you pick a strong photo from the ones you already have: 1. Choose a photo that looks like you. Don’t roll your eyes at me. I’m serious. Have you ever had the experience of first seeing someone’s Facebook or LinkedIn picture online and then meeting them in person only to find that they look completely different (for better…or for worse)? If yes, you know it can be startling and even make you question their credibility. So, make sure your LinkedIn profile picture is up-to-date (within the past few years) and reflects how you look on a daily basis – your hair, glasses, makeup, etc. 2. Make sure your face takes up at least 60% of the frame. Don’t be the guy that has a picture of himself on top of a distant mountain peak. It’s very cool that your outdoorsy (me too!) but I have no idea what you look like. Crop the picture from the top of your shoulders to just above your head so that your face fills the frame and shows off that pretty smile. 3. Choose the right expression. As Tyra Banks would say: smile with your eyes. Really. You want to appear warm and friendly. You don’t have to wear a big goofy grin if that feels unnatural, but don’t look too serious (aka scary). Exude approachability. That way, prospective clients will be able to imagine having a pleasant conversation with you. 4. Wear what you’d wear to work. Wear clothes that match the level of dressiness at your office. If you work at a startup and wear sweats everyday (jealous), you should probably step it up a notch. You don’t want to be over or underdressed. Also, note that solid colors tend to do best on camera (step away from that Hawaiian shirt). 5. Choose a background that isn’t distracting. After you put all that effort into having the perfect expression, you don’t want anything to distract from your face. Keep the background simple so that you are the focal point. What having a great profile picture means for you: To increase your response and referral rates, invest in your profile picture. It’s your first chance to communicate that you are friendly, likeable, and trustworthy. These attributes are crucial to getting prospects to engage with you. Think of it as your first step to building your personal brand on LinkedIn and making yourself stand out from the competition. Shutterworks Photography is always prepared to help you look good. Give him a call NOW!!
A great headshot is an investment in your brand
By Con Macarlino 19 May, 2020
A Great Headshot is an Investment in Your Brand. Are you holding back on updating your professional Headshot? Your professional Headshot is an investment in your brand and should show you at your best, the way a prospective client would want to see you. Professional photographers know how to guide you to get the best from you. They know how to position you and help you choose the right outfit and background that will make you standout and look professional. Professional photographers also know how to use lighting to make you look your best, as opposed to amateur photographers that can actually make you look nothing like you should, and definitely not your best. Social media has taken on such an important role in promoting our professional abilities, having an impact-making up-to-date headshot is more important than ever. Since every social media platform requires a profile image, your headshot will have a far-reaching web presence in addition to more traditional uses like the staff page of your organization’s website and publication in conference or speaking engagement–related materials. If the reasons I have already given you haven't made you reach for the phone and book a session with Shutterworks Photography, here are a few more. A great headshot conveys your professionalism. If you look professional, potential clients that don't now you personally will more likely agree to that first connection and meeting. A great headshot gives others an idea of your personality before they meet with you. Smile If you want to appear approachable. If you want to look determined, look serious. But always choose an expression that matches your personality. I usually prefer a smiling, approachable face. A great head shot reminds people who you are if they meet you outside of your usual circle or networking function. This reminder makes it easier for them to accept your connection request. A great headshot that is current shows what you look like now. Using a head shot that is more than a few years old could surprise people and send the wrong message of in authenticity. A great headshot isn't just for top level management anymore. Everybody needs a great headshot. If you don't have one, or the one your are using is past it's use-by date I encourage you to make contact with Con and have a chat. Con has photographed hundreds of headshots in his career and will make you feel at ease in front of his camera. If the thought of coming into the studio is a barrier for you, Con is happy to bring his equipment and skills to your office or home office where you may feel more comfortable in a familiar environment. While he is there it may be a good time to get some fresh branding shots of your business and staff. Con can be reached on Mob: 0418 926 889 or E: his work can be seen at
Covid 19, pandemics, Travel, Holidays, Good Times, Coronavirus
By Con Macarlino 13 May, 2020
I know many people who feel they have been cooped up for too long due to the Coronavirus and can't wait to be allowed to hop on a plane and leave their troubles of home behind for a few days or a few weeks. The world has been in lock down for far too long and some of us have been struggling with the idea of not being allowed to leave the house even to visit family and friends. So I ask you, when you are finally allowed to leave the safety of your home and venture out into the big wide world, where will you go? Will you stay within your own state or country and play it safe for a little while longer? Will you just pack the car, load the kids and camping gear and spend some time relaxing in the wide open spaces not far from home, or will you cast your insecurities behind and venture off to a distant shore to enjoy the change of climate, culture, customs and currencies? I sadly will be missing my annual sailing trip in South East Asia with a small group of very good sailing buddies who enjoy the warmer climate, spicy food and more than a few cold beers. This year will be the second time we have missed the regatta in ten or eleven years so we will be eager to get there next year, once we are let loose to catch up with friends from other parts of the world who we have met at the regatta. I think it's a mind game that when you are told you are not allowed to do something, it makes you even more determined to do it once allowed, and do it often. Wherever and whenever you decide to go, travel safe and appreciate the freedom that we will have again to be able to explore this wonderful world we live in and lets try to keep the pandemics at bay. Don't forget to take you camera, and I mean camera. Feel free to leave a comment and tell me where you plan to go.
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